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New Recipes: Trail

For the Birds

Well, since it has been SO quiet around these parts lately, I decided to use that time and energy getting you tadpoles set up with another cooking lesson! I’ve been pleased with all the careful knife work I’ve been seeing since the salad lessons so I think you’re ready for something new. Now, I wouldn’t say this is harder, but it carries a lot of it’s own dangers. Today we are going to be introducing the Petrified Heartwood.

Now before anyone mouths off let me tell you, you leave your hand on this slab too long and you’ll end up with jerky for fingers. The Petrified Heartwood draws moisture out of anything left on it, so it’s great for dehydrating foods as well as dealing with damp spots around the house. If you want your summer berries to last through winter, dry them and you’ll have sweets that can stand up to long term storage.

Let’s start simply, tadpoles, by making Dried Blueberries, Dried Cherries, and my personal favorite, Dried Cranberries. You can also make a nice packaged Trail Rations for a hearty meal on-the-go. I do, however, recommend starting with the fruit, since it will get you nice and familiar with your Petrified Heartwood. Besides, without mastering them, you’ll have a hard time making Elven Trail Mix on your own.

And if we are making trail food, there are all kinds of snacks I know how to conjure up. To be honest I’ve been a bit worried about what Dizzy was eating while she was away at Hope. I would have felt better if I knew she’s taken some Birdy’s Trail Mix with her for Burnie and some Nutty Granola for herself...
Hm...what was that noise? Did anyone else hear that? Hm...
Maybe I’ll just leave these Seed Cookies and Seed Bread out here in the open to cool from the Sunstone. I still have some Sunflower Brittle and a Forest Heart Tart to finish in the back room...


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Premium Gem Update

What's that gleaming on the site? It's a shiny new Gem design!

We heard your suggestion that the Shards and Gems were difficult to distinguish, so we've changed our Gems to a golden color to fix that! Now you can tell at a quick glance whether something for sale is premium or not. Thank you all for the great suggestion!

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Site Contest: 4/3/17

Congratulations again to our Site Contest winner, Veris! For earning the most Cheers on your Gingerbread Man entry to the Creator Themed Avatar Contest, you'll receive the exclusive In the Spotlight Achievement and a Spotlight T-Shirt. A huge thank you to everyone who participated!

This week's contest is an Writing Contest! As you might have noticed I was a little late getting the contest up this week and that was due to me clearing some....contraband items from around town. But I'll get to that later! Since you all seem so hungry for fiction why don't you check out this week's rules here and show us your skills!

Also, you have all probably noticed a lack of certain...well I use the term books loosely here, but well books from the Campus Supplies store. Uh...can...we not tell my Boss about this? I think I cleaned it up before he noticed... I better go check around for any other pranks someone set up over the weekend... Ugh, why does this always happen on my watch?


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New Items: Best Books EVER!

All likenesses are used in the from of derivative/parody work and protected under Fair Use.

Pssssst… They gone?
Are the other Mods asleep yet? Good.
Weekends are normally pretty quiet around here - gives old Shady a chance to stretch out; get all cozy-like. So while I was out for my usual walk around town I saw that new chickyboo over at the Campus Supplies store. What a little tweet-heart. Book lover through and through. So much so, your good friend Shady turned her on to some very special new books. But her supplies are limited. I don't expect them to last past the weekend, so you better jump on this hot new author while you can. Who knows when we will see another printing of these amazing stories again?

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Site Contest 3/27/17 Closed

Our weekly Site Contest is closed! Thank you to everyone who participated in our Challenge, as an entrant or a Cheering fan. We've collected the data on the entries and will be verifying the winners and deciding any ties over the weekend, so expect to see the winner announced next week on Monday.

Speaking of which, next week's Site Contest category will be a Writing contest! We can't wait to see your take on our characters and lore. And you'll have some great fiction fodder for ideas coming tomorrow~

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