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Home » News » July Event Part 3: Wish Granted! Tutorial Tutorial

July Event Part 3: Wish Granted!

Written by Admin  Posted on August 03, 2017
Our third and final wish to grant for this event is the ability for you to grant wishes of your own!

Introducing the Wishlist feature, a way for users to publicly wish for the items they most desire, and to grant those wishes to each other! On your own Wishlist, you can search for items using the dropdown menu, which will helpfully autofill to complete the item name. Once you've added an item to your Wishlist, you can click on it to change the quantity from singular to infinite (I know some of you have certain affinities for a specific item...), or to remove the item from your Wishlist. You can also add an item to your Wishlist by clicking the new "Add to Wishlist" button in the item pop-up window!

All Wishlists are publicly viewable. You can find other users' Wishlists by clicking the link in their user profile. When you're visiting another user's Wishlist, you can grant a Wish by gifting them an item on their Wishlist from your Main Inventory. You can also choose whether to gift anonymously or not, if you want to remain a mysterious benefactor!

We also have two more major updates to the site today. You'll notice that the Help buttons have been replaced with Tutorial buttons, because our beautiful new Tutorial is finally ready! This feature breaks up the lengthy Tutorial onto individual pages so that users can view it anytime, anywhere, at their own pace.

Due to browser and desktop/mobile incompatibilities, you may notice a few "jumps" on the Tutorial that move the screen to the wrong place sometimes, but that should only require a little scrolling to fix. This is an unfortunate downside of the new code, but we think overall a little extra scrolling for the occasional user is a minor downside compared to all the upsides of this new solution! If you notice any bugs or errors besides this "jump" oddness, please let us know in the Technical Support Forum. We try to test for every browser on desktop and mobile, but bugs can be sneaky!

Finally, the New Sale page on the Marketplace has been updated with a tentative fix for the slow load time/crashing problem. We have shifted the items to load per page of your Inventory area rather than all at once. Please let us know how this update effects your Marketplace experience, for better or worse! If this proves to be a helpful solution, we will continue working to update the Trade and Dressing Room pages with this improvement as well.

Please keep in mind that this is a very major feature update for the entire site, so we may discover some new bugs lurking in the code. Please report any problems to the Technical Support Forum with as much detail as you can provide! Knowing the browser version and whether you're in desktop or mobile is usually very helpful information.

Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered Weave the very best it can be!

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