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Tutorial TutorialMay Event Winners!
...Okay, okay, you caught me. I, um. I don't actually have any way of showing off your high scores yet. In faaact, there's this teeny tiny little itty bitty problem with the high score board on my computer, which is that... I can see who won which score, but not... the score.
Wellsoanywaynevermindthatleeet's get to the PRIZES!!!
Our grand prize winner is Hintswen!! Hintswen received the MOST high scores overall, as well as the most Hoof It high scores! For that, I wanna offer you an extra-special reward: not only do you get to design a toy, but I'll make a Deluxe version of your toy too!*
Our other winners (i-including the ties that can't be broken since I don't have any actual scores written down) will all be able to design a toy too!*
Kiena won the most high scores on Paper Airplane.
Jasmine & Dreadnoughtus tied for the high scores on Memory.
Hintswen, as you already know, won the most high scores on Hoof It.
hophope & Cherell won the most high scores on Stumped.
Mafic won the most high scores on This Little Piggy.
Wowee! Now, see, isn't that soooo generous of me and not at all defensive to give you guys EIGHT new toys to design? I'm super duper excited to hear what you come up with!
*All winners should send a Message to Diana before June 30 with their toy designs, and expect to see them in my Arcade by July 30.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who participated in my first big event!! I totally have to do this again sometime!
Site Contest: June 2017
Congratulations to our Site Contest winners!
Miss Moss by LilNeps won the Avatar contest!
Blepcake Breakfast by Science won the Craft contest!
Flipperfin of the deep by Dreadnoughtus won the Art contest!
Too Many Items by Himochi won the Gallery contest!
For earning the most Cheers on your entries, you'll receive the exclusive In the Spotlight Achievement and a Spotlight T-Shirt. As a special additional reward, winners from now on will also receive a Spotlight Showcase toy for their Kith. This toy can be used multiple times on the same Kith, and it gives them a whopping 10 points to each ability for each time it's used. Wow!
We have also updated the Showcase art to remove the glass case from the logged out home page. Now everyone's winning entries will only show their avatar and Kith, with a link to the entry itself for better viewing.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated! Entries that did not win have been moved to the Showcase Forum for safekeeping. (Remember that you can always re-enter the same entry again later if you didn't win this time!)
This month's contests include an Avatar, Kith, Game, and Writing contest! Check out the rules here and show your skills!
New Recipes: Bread!
Loafing Around
Ugh, it’s been so dreary and rainy lately. This weather has certainly made my walks around town a lot more unpleasant. I shouldn’t complain - at least the heat wave hasn’t started yet. Still, when it’s so bleak outside, it’s hard not to feel a little cloudy myself. But my mom taught me a trick for this kind of gloom. When all you want to do is loaf around inside the house, you should! More specifically, you should bake up some fresh bread.
The General Store will now be stocking a few new tasty Loaf Pan recipes alongside the Molasses you might end up needing. Just be careful about making a mess with it; not only is it highly sticky, molasses also has a very distinct smell.
I know White Bread isn’t for everyone, either because it isn’t the healthiest for you or because it tastes kind of boring. So to change things up a bit, I now have Wheat Bread to add some variety to your next sandwich. And if you really want to get adventurous, you should try out the Pumpernickel Bread. Instant coffee in bread might seem a little overboard, but honestly it’s there for looks more than anything; a sort of “eating with your eyes” kind of thing.
If savory bread isn’t your style, what about the sweet and spicy Raisin Bread? It can be the perfect walking fast breakfast if you didn’t have time to make anything else the night before. Just toast it with a little butter and you are set! And if that isn’t sweet enough for you there’s always Pumpkin Bread. While this recipe uses honey instead of sugar, I’ve still been able to use it to easily lure Lycus out of that hole he calls a Lab. Consider yourself warned if you don’t want something more on the pastry end of baked goods.
Either way, if you prefer savory, sweet, or enjoy them both, I hope everyone can try out these new recipes and fill up their home with the smell of freshly baked bread. Nothing beats back the rainy season blues better!
May 2017 Site Contest Closed
This month's Site Contest is closed! Thank you to everyone who participated, as an entrant or a Cheering fan. We've collected the data on the entries and will be verifying the winners and deciding any ties over the next few days, so expect to see the winner announced at the start of the month on Thursday.
Get your entries ready for the following categories coming soon:
Bug Fix: This Little Piggy
Yawn... It's unusually late for an update, but sometimes you gotta take whatever time you can get! I've added a few bug fixes for This Little Piggy, detailed below. Hoof It also had a minor bug that was preventing it from recognizing when a Kith's attributes were over 400, but that should also be fixed.
Added a keyboard shortcut to the Game Over screen so that hitting "Enter"/"Return" will replay.
Set the speech ballon showing the Difficulty level to remain the same in the Menu screen. So now if you leave the difficulty on "High", the balloon will still show "High" when you return to the Menu screen.
Fixed the incorrect "" URL on the "Return to TW" button in the Menu screen to go to "" instead.
Reduced the spawn area of red apples, so they shouldn't appear so dangerously close to the edges anymore.
Attempted to fix the issue where your piggy might collect points but not remove the graphic of whatever it ate. I've tested it a few times and haven't been able to replicate the problem anymore, so hopefully that bug is squashed!
Set a delay when replaying the game so that bonus items do not spawn immediately when you play again.
Added more water droplets to the piggy so that its invincibility is more visible. The water droplets reduce for 2 seconds before the invincibility turns off again.
Fixed the issue where hitting a wet lawn mower repeatedly would earn tons of extra points.
Please note that it may take up to an hour to see these changes show up for your account!
EDIT 5/28/17 23:30CHT: Another update is here! I have attempted another fix for the graphics issue, displaying the correct Kith ability reward, and the "return to TW" button on the Game Over screen. It may take up to an hour for you to see these changes.