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Tutorial TutorialEvent Update: Lost And Found
Whewww-whee! That trek's a mite long when you don't got no ID cards to use on the mine carts... Welcome to topside, folks!
Read More »Event Update: Commissary Canteen!
Ahhh, home sweet home!
Now settle down y'all! I'm sure as sherry y'all're right excited to be here in Rock Bottom - who wouldn't be? But these here mining tunnels are Company property and needed to be treated as such. I expect y'might not be able to tell harmless dirt from explosive thaum at a glance like Rock Bottom folks would! So's I oughta set a few ground rules 'fore we go exploring further.
Event Update: Discovering Rock Bottom!
Now that is an unexpected roll of the dice…
Lookin’ down at this mess, it’s clear y'all weren't spinnin' up a tall tale when y’all said the fountain was demolished. Whole hunks of rubble still to be cleared from the street, water pourin' from that statue's feet like the worst of those Gallery waterfalls - alors, what's with that look?
Do y’all... think we meant for this to happen?
Event Update: Tattered Tremors
LYCUS! LYYYYCUS!! Argh - there you are! You better have a very. Good. Explanation. For whatever your new experiment is doing!
Read More »New Premium Items: Scrying Spells & Games of Chance!
I admit, it does a soul good to be back here in Hope… Y’all have been fillin’ our coffers just fine by buyin’ all our outfits on offer. But just wait until I regale you with what we’re unveilin’ today!
Non, not items from more new Remnants - why not celebrate what y’all have already done as we build excitement for our shared trip to Rock Bottom? Since y’all have to go there to find Specter anyway, might as well enjoy the trip. Sounds like we’ll set sail sometime next week or so, followin’ the sound of their mines for a mighty long while before we ever set sights on them…