Site Contest: August 2017
Posted on August 03, 2017D&D Dice! by Hearticorn won the Item Design contest!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by Elfy won the Quest Design contest!
Kith Accessories by Dreadnoughtus won the Clothing Design contest!
More Freckle Colors! by GrayEmbers won the Clothing Recolor Design contest!
For earning the most Cheers on your entries, you'll receive the exclusive In the Spotlight Achievement and the Spotlight T-Shirt and Spotlight Showcase items.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated! Entries that did not win have been moved to the Design Suggestions Forum for safekeeping. (Remember that you can always re-enter the same entry again later if you didn't win this time!)
This month's contests include an Avatar, Craft, Gallery, and Art contest! Check out the rules here and show your skills!