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New Unique Quest: A Frayed Alliance

Thanks again for helping me calm down and figure out what happened. You’re all such lovely, good-hearted people. Now that everything’s been cleared up and squared away, the Salon is open again! I’ll see you fashionable friends there soon~

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Code Update: 2/22/17

Are you ready for some beta bug hunting? We've got a lot of little code updates for you today!

- Our biggest update is the addition of Comments on the User Profile pages! At long last, you can stop by to compliment a clever avatar or endearing Kith or share your thoughts publicly about your friends! Users can delete comments on their own Profile page, as well as their own comments on other users' Profile pages. The report button is available as well if you notice any rule-breaking.

- Item confirmation text on your Inventory pages is now dynamic! Instead of the generic "Are you sure you wish to perform this action?" confirmation prompt, the text will now show exactly what you clicked on in the dropdown selection menu. We've also added the Active Kith's name to the prompt, so you can be sure you're giving the right items to the right Ally.

- Messages now have a "Reply" hotlink at the bottom of each message to help you jump to the reply box without any scrolling necessary. We've also set the pagination to use ajax rather than refresh the page, which means your reply won't get deleted if you flip back and forth through a message thread!

- All the Forum post buttons (Report, Edit, Delete, etc.) now have alt text that explains what each button does when you hover your mouse over the button. This should make it easier for newbies to learn and remember what each button symbol means!

I hope you all enjoy this update! Please keep an eye out for any new bugs, and report your findings in the Technical Support Forum. Click Read More to see the details of other bug fixes.

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New Unique Quest: To Catch A Thief

I can’t believe this. How could this happen?! I protect my passwords, I change my locks, I even use two-factor authentication! And it meant nothing!

Someone stole Gems out of my account! I’ve been carefully saving up for a nice bed-and-breakfast weekend getaway, and now it’s GONE! Who is responsible?!

The Salon is closed until I find the culprit! I’m going to figure out who took my Gems, and they’re going to be in so much trouble!

Meet me at the Unique Quests page to hunt down this perpetrator!!

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Site Contest: 2/20/17

Congratulations to our Site Contest winner, Himochi! For earning the most Cheers on your Cupid of Hope entry to the Avatar Contest, you'll receive the exclusive In the Spotlight Achievement and a Spotlight T-Shirt. A huge thank you to everyone who participated!

This week's contest is a Kith Contest! Check out the rules here and show your skills!

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New Hairstyles: Wind Blown!

Blown Away

Man, things at the Salon have been busy lately due to all this seasonal wind! It has, however, got me thinking - I'm the kind of man that values movement, and what brings movement to so much of the natural world? That's right, darlings, wind. So what if I could harness that life and freedom and just inject it into someone's personal style? Might not combat the real wind blowing your hair about everywhere, but it is certainly a start!

Now, let's get things moving with the shortest of the new hair styles today, the Windblown Reserved Hairstyle and Windblown Pixie Hairstyle. The nice thing about short hair is no matter how much you whip it around, you won’t end up eating it yourself! Both of these are just long enough to give you some movement without being long enough to touch your shoulders.

If you’re looking for a medium-length look, might I interest you in either the Windblown Fluffy Hairstyle or Windblown Messy Hairstyle? These two looks show of the dichotomy of the wind blown effect: gentle verse realistic; light breeze versus the power of a storm.

And of course it might take a storm to get these long styles moving: the Windblown Wavy Hairstyle and Windblown Wild Hairstyle! Wild shows off the power of the tempest, and I think would look good for all you magic-castors I've seen running around since the Enchanted Forest was discovered. Wavy is a more relaxed look, but also has a lot more weight to the hair itself if you’re looking for a more regal appearance.

So what do you all think? Are you ready to get caught up in the whirlwind of my inspiration?

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