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entering again this month 'cause im hella cute n ready to be wolfie's moon
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Tutorial Tutorial

Hopeless Halloween

WOOoooOOooooOOO! It’s spooky, scary, creepy, costume time! Halloween is the best, isn’t it? It’s the one time of year when you won’t get in trouble for wearing fake blood to class! Make sure you seal that makeup and body paint, though, or you’ll be scrubbing it off the desks. Trust me, I learned that the hard way.

So, Andre, let’s hear it! What have you got for us this year? Oooh, I hope it’s something horrifying!

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Achievement Update: Reach for the Stars!

Good evening, everyone! I have a small update for you today regarding Achievements. We've handed the notifications over to your Kith! Now, every time you earn a new Achievement, your Active Kith will be the one to let you know. Each personality has a unique notification, so it really feels like your Kith is the one delivering a message.

Speaking of messages, a certain zippered mouth let me know that something spooky is coming tomorrow...

Our event system is still under construction, but expect a scary surprise tomorrow night to celebrate the Halloween weekend!

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10/26/16 Staff Announcement

Hall Monitors Reporting In

Good evening everyone,
Senior Moderator and everyone’s favorite uploader Club here. Tonight I get to bring you all some very exciting news. A while ago we put out an open call for Moderator submissions. So far, as a community you are all absolutely wonderfully behaved, but there will come a time when that is not always the case. Before that happens I wanted to make sure we had enough hands on deck to protect Tattered Weave and its community. I wanted a close-knit group of users I could trust to watch over the site and answer questions and concerns while I might be otherwise indisposed. And let me tell you, you guys did not make it easy to pick.

I had SO many good applications to sort through, from both new and old members. And though I’d love to bring on each and every one of them to the team, I simply can’t train that many people in any reasonable amount of time. If you were not selected or didn't know about the applications, do not despair. As we continue to grow as a community I am sure we will open applications back up whenever we find that we need more hands to help. Our selections come from those we see out in the community, helping and caring where they can, so stick around.

I am proud to announce our four new members of the moderator teams: Arcane, stopboorider, superbearwars, and Winter. Over the next few days we will be working to get them fully trained and integrated into the site. I ask that everyone support and welcome our new staff members, and continue to be the wonderful users that you all already are. I could not be more privileged to serve such a great community and I can't wait to share this experience with my new team members.

A tapestry is made of many threads, each as important as the next and I am so excited to see what we will all weave together.
Thank you again for your continued support and interest in Tattered Weave! It means a lot to us.

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New Items: Movie Candy!

Let's All Get A Snack!

I've got carbonated beverages! I've got sweet frozen slushies! I've got an unnaturally large pile of popcorn from my brother down in the Lab! Man, does he get a lot of donated popcorn. We only need one last thing before we can have the ultimate movie night, Seeba. That's right, you know it, it's MORE CANDY!

I'm talking chewy Honey Tots to put in with the popcorn; sweet Spicy Mamas for when the drinks get too cold and we need to warm up; Finnish Fish to swim around in all that soda pop in our bellies. We’ve gotta get Matt & Pat candy for Dad and Iris to share, peanut butter Heebie Jeebies for Lycus ('cuz he's a creepy nut sometimes) and Mom's favorite: ALL the chocolate. One chocolate bar won’t do, oh no! She’s still kinda mad that my room smells like crayons so I’m pulling out all the stops! A White Chocolate Bar, Cookies and Cream Candy Bar, and Mint Cookies and Cream Candy Bar should give her enough of a chocolate high to forgive and forget.

Well, at least until she sees the horror movies I've picked out for tonight. MWAHAHAHA! Whatever I've got leftover from movie night I'm going to stock in my Arcade so you guys can set up your own movie nights.

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Game Testing

Good morning, everyone! I have a favor to ask of you all.

Yesterday I was foolish enough to brag that I had fixed the problem causing games to not reward shards, causing an avalanche of new problems to appear. I should have predicated that... Knock on wood, you know?

Today I have put up two versions of each game. If you are having problems with one version, please give the other a try. If only one version works for you, please let me know in the replies here which version and what browser and operating system you use! I have to make sure the games work for the majority of users, so this information will determine which version of the game we stick to. I also want to make sure that users who are having trouble are using the most recent version of the browser available. If not, please update your browser!

As a side note, this duplication of the games may cause some browsers to grumble about how big our cache is. Each game is about 10MB, which does eat up a lot of space! Once you have found which version works for you, go ahead and delete your cache to save on space if you need to.

Thank you all again for your help making Tattered Weave the best it can be!

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