Recent News
Tutorial TutorialCode Update: 9/27/21
Hello everyone, I bring you good news! We've been working on a number of bug fixes for the choose-your-adventure quest feature, and have deployed those fixes to the site today. You may notice a brief inability to complete a quest or two, but if you give the page a hard refresh that should clear up. If you have any further problems with quests or anything else around the site, please let us know in the Technical Support Forum.
Hopefully this will mean a much cleaner, easily understood format to be used in tomorrow's event update. See you then!
Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!
Event Clarification
Hi everyone, I wanted to post an update with some clarification on the Event and its new choose-your-adventure format.
The initial format is bugged, which is why you're seeing side-effect bugs such as all of the "Pick 1" Quests remain in place even after choosing one path. This bug also made it very difficult to duplicate the quests for multiple days, so we cut the number of duplications down from 7 days to 3 days, since this week only has 3 different clues to pick from. We are working on a number of fixes to streamline the choose-your-adventure format and make it much, much simpler for both users and the staff who have to upload everything! Next week's event update should be improved, and we'll keep you posted when that happens on Tuesday the 28th about what changes have been made and what to expect as we get everything working as intended.
For now, what this means is that there are only three versions of each investigative quest, so that you can follow each of the three clues. When you start one quest, be sure to complete only one of the "Pick 1" quests that appear, then refresh the page to see the resulting sequel quest and follow the clue. If you get stuck with a quest not appearing for you, please let us know in the Technical Support Forum and we'll work on getting that fixed for you as soon as possible. I know that this bugged format currently lends itself to some confusion, so please reach out if you ever need any help!
I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, and so thankful for all your patience as we roll out this exciting new format for Quests that will make events a lot more interactive and fun in the future!
Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!
New Items: Recipes From The Missing
Everyone, please, swim close. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm being nosy, or melodramatic, but...
Bonnie and Tethys never came home last night.
Site Contest Winners: September 2021
Whoo! Some o’ those tall tales were quite the stretch - ya really knew how to pull my peg leg! And those Trash Catch scores, ya had the whole crew sweating to keep up. But two o’ yer crew sailed to the head o’ the fleet, so let’s start hooting and hollering for the winners o’ this month's Site Contest... I Caught a High Score THIS Big by Taiga in the Game category, and Too Much Of A Good Thing by Salacassera in the Writing category!
Since ya both earned the most Cheers on yer entries, yer gonna each get a treasure chest o’ 100 Gems, plus the In the Spotlight Achievement, the Spotlight T-Shirt, and the Spotlight Showcase!
New Items: Ancient Reef Books
Tethys, come on, hurry up or we’re going to miss him...!
Marcus! We have a surprise for you! Since you’ll be gone for a long time, we brought some care packages before you go. Hopefully these will bolster you up for your giant dive down into the ocean trenches-
Mrrgh... I can’t believe it. All that rush, and he’s already swum off?