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Tutorial TutorialSocial Media: June 6 – June 10th Weekly Promo Calendar!
Hello all! Here is a breakdown of this week’s social media promotions. All of these promotions will run from 10am CHT on the day they begin, to 10am CHT the following day.
Monday: Chatty Monday - Receive 150 shards per post on the forums - three times the regular amount!
Thursday: Cloth and Color Day – Supporting user shops on this day will result in a commission increase of 25% for the artist you are purchasing from!
Friday: Fancy Friday Shopping Spree – The shop cooldown will be halved on this day!
There will be full image ads on our Twitter and Facebook when the promotions go live!
If you have feedback, please share it with us in this thread. Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!
New Quests: Firmheart!
This week we have Firmheart's new Daily Quests and Hourly Quests for you, as well as Achievements for reaching each new level of his reputation! Anyone who prefers to send their Kith to help out the characters will also be able to find Firmheart available in the Kith Daily Activity list as well. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours to receive all your new quests, and only those of you who have unlocked the Snow Globe will be able to access Firmheart's quests. It simply wouldn't be polite to show up unannounced, after all!
If you notice any issues or bugs, please report them in the Technical Support Forum and we'll try to get those fixed as soon as possible. Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!
New Items: May User Submissions and Recolors!
Hey! Heyheyhey!! Everyone!! I’m so excited!!!! I was out in Robin's garden today lookin' at all the pretty flowers n' tasty foods n' I found the COOLEST THING EVER!!!
There, tucked in between the cucumbers n' the zucchini, glistenin' from a refreshin' afternoon rain was…. GASP! A POISON APPLE!!! WHAT WAS THAT DOING IN HOPE?!?!
Site Contest Winners: May 2022
Woo! YEAH, haha! That was pure teamwork. Go us! Cheers for the cheer-ers and the cheer-ees! Give it up for our May Site Contest winners, Garden Party by Tisane in the Avatar category, and Carful what you consume by Tnem Ga-rf Ravel in the Gallery category! Awright!
Read More »Social Media: May 30 – June 3rd Weekly Promo Calendar!
Hey everyone! Here is a breakdown of this week’s social media promotions. All of these promotions will run from 10am CHT on the day they begin, to 10am CHT the following day.
Tuesday: Flip n' Fry Cookoff - No cooldown on the Dormitory Kitchen Tools.
Thursday: Cleverly Crafty Day – You will be able to redeem the promo code CLEVERCRAFTY on this day for a bundle of crafting goodies! The Social Media post will ask that you share any new styles you create with the bundle on one of the social media posts, but it is not required to partake.
Friday: Fancy Friday Shopping Spree - The shop cooldown will be halved on this day!
There will be full image ads on our Twitter and Facebook when the promotions go live!
If you have any comments or feedback, please post them in this thread for us. Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!