Social Media: May 30 – June 3rd Weekly Promo Calendar!
Posted on May 30, 2022Tuesday: Flip n' Fry Cookoff - No cooldown on the Dormitory Kitchen Tools.
Thursday: Cleverly Crafty Day – You will be able to redeem the promo code CLEVERCRAFTY on this day for a bundle of crafting goodies! The Social Media post will ask that you share any new styles you create with the bundle on one of the social media posts, but it is not required to partake.
Friday: Fancy Friday Shopping Spree - The shop cooldown will be halved on this day!
There will be full image ads on our Twitter and Facebook when the promotions go live!
If you have any comments or feedback, please post them in this thread for us. Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!