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New Items: Scarves!

Brrr, it's cold in here...

As the weather gets colder, the Kith seem to be getting bolder about sneaking into Tailored Fashions. It doesn't even seem to matter if I lock my windows, the Kith are clever enough to figure out how to get them open anyway. Unfortunately this means I’ve found myself with a great abundance of fringed fabric thanks to some overly... friendly Kith. At this point I could be could be sad about it, or I could find the silver lining to this frayed mess. Since it has been getting rather cold out, I was thinking that we could use some new scarves.

While the Snowy Scarf is fringe-less, it does have a very cute snow pattern falling down the length of the scarf. I know some of you have been calling for snow, so hopefully this is a suitable replacement? The Infinity Scarf has a double loop style - great for keeping your chin and neck warm without any ends dangling down and inviting little claws to hang from it. The stretchy Ribbed Scarf is a wonderful winter classic, thick and warm while not being so long as to be unwieldy. The Bandana Scarf is the most covering of the scarves but still highly susceptible to a strong gust of wind from below if you don’t tuck it into anything.

Lastly, while this isn't actually a scarf, it is very warm: the new tasseled Shawl that you might have seen being tested around town. You could think of it like one giant scarf for your whole body I suppose...

These all come in the usual fourteen colors. I hope everyone stays warm even while out adventuring or while combating a stubborn draft in the house. If you don’t mind the mess, you’re welcome to stop by for some warm tea... Have you heard that the Enchanted Forest brews theirs differently?

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New Items: Elves, Dryads, and Avoreals, oh my!

Ahem. Excuse me? Please excuse me. I have a message to deliver on behalf of Princess Celariel.

You've proven to us in this short time that you are a goodly people, and as such I have come to offer access to our most sacred of spells. The Wizards Three once enchanted us to become connected to the Heart of the Forest, so that the Withering could not destroy us within our home. If you so choose, you, too, can join the Enchanted Forest. Your ruler - or, rather - Headmaster has agreed to guard the Avoreal Bundle Badge, Dryad Bundle Badge, and Inspired Elven Hair Badge in his Office. If you wish only to adapt one part of your form, you may instead select the Pick A Part version of the Badge you wish for.

The most dedicated of envoys may also come to me as often as once upon the hour to receive a Quest that rewards Dryad Eyes.

Edit: Deepest apologies. Please preview the items here.

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[@Tags] Now Available!

You spoke, and we listened! The call for @Tags was loud and clear, and now they're here!

To tag a user, place the @ symbol in front of their full username inside the standard BBCode brackets. You can even tag NPCs by adding " [npc]" at the end of their name! Like this: "Hi [@Robin [npc]]!" (Disclaimer: this is no guarantee that the NPC will have time to read your post, but you never know for certain...)

Edit: to further clarify, tagging an NPC should look like {@NPCname [npc]} except with regular brackets instead of curly brackets!

You can tell when the @Tag is successful because it will turn into a blue hyperlink to that user's profile page. This does not trigger on a Preview post! So please Submit the post to check if your @Tag was successful.

For those of you who prefer not to receive @Tag notifications, you can turn off notifications in your Settings.

Any questions? Let us know! Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered Weave the best it can be!!

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New Quests: Enchanted Forest

Celariel, Othidar, Dizzy, Alban, and Lenta all have more Hourly Quests available for you! Please keep in mind that it may take an hour or two for these to become available for your account. Also included in this update are Quest rewards for brand new books from the Enchanted Forest. Books are a rare commodity at the moment, since the Elves keep their collections private and none are yet willing to share with the newcomers from Hope University...

Some minor updates that you may have noticed:

The Help category has been moved up so that newbies can more easily find the User Q&A and Technical Support Forums.

Any Quests that require you to post in a certain category now include any subcategories.

Marketplace Notifications now include the price of the lot that you sold.

Steph made a bunch of CSS changes, including a link to the Home page, Forum pagination, Footer corrections, and more!

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Feedback Forum

Hi again everyone! Today's update is more of a question than an answer. Well, lots of questions. With the new year comes new possibilities, and we want to know what you're most looking forward to on Tattered Weave!

For starters, what would you like to see on the front page to attract new users? I know we need a better tutorial, and I'm working on one that is interactive with the site! I've added the animated video from our Kickstarter to the logged out front page, as some of you suggested, but what else would interest you if you were visiting us for the first time?

Many of you have rightly pointed out that the Quest Log page is rather confusing to new users. We've brainstormed ideas on how to fix this, so here's what we're thinking: Separate Hourly & Daily Quests from Story Quests onto two separate pages. Rather than showing status by tabs, we show status by text and/or color, and use the tabs to differentiate between Remnants (Hope University and Enchanted Forest, with more to come!) instead.

On the Daily/Hourly page, we condense these two into one simple Quest per Character. Your first Quest every day would be what we now have as 'Daily', and after completing that Quest, your next Quest would be what we now have as 'Hourly'. (I hope this makes sense!) On the Story page, we would separate each 'chain' into its own 'story' for you to complete, making it easy to see at a glance where you are in each 'story'. What do you think of this change? Do you have any ideas for what we should call these two separate pages? We'd love to come up with unique page names that convey the differences between the two Quest types; something that new users could figure out easily.

Edit: Users pointed out that this could be frustrating to miss out on Daily Quests due to Hourly Quests. So what about keeping only the Hourly Quests on the Quest Log page, as their own separate thing, removed from the NPC shop pages? Then, have Daily Quests be the only quests shown on the NPC shop pages, and remain only on the NPC shop pages until completed or declined for the day.

Don't worry, in the meantime we are still doing minor updates to the Quest Log page! You'll see some improvements later this week.

We're not only focusing on new users, though! What features would you like us to prioritize? Our current list of major features to roll out includes:
1. @ functionality on the Forums (being able to send someone a notification when you type @username in a post)
2. A text-based 'coin flip' game that can be played every [undecided amount of time] to earn some extra Shards
3. Custom user art submissions for new items, apparel, and/or Kith stages (with user-provided art; we will provide more detailed rules at the time of release)
4. Comments on user profiles
5. An update to the Notification system (including better sidebar format, checkboxes on the main page, one-time notifications, etc.)
6. Creating a 'reaction' system for Kith to respond to being given Books, Food, and Toys (these will NOT be unique per item, but will be clues to the item's personality points!)
7. Cooking-related Achievements
8. Cheers-related Achievements
9. Quest-related Achievements
10. Users online indicator/list
Let us know which of these, and/or which of your own suggested features, you want the most! Feel free to sort them by your own personal interest, in order of priority, or just pick your favorite!

Speaking of favorites, what would you like to see in the Premium Shop? We are working hard to expand our free features first and foremost, but money is what keeps the site going. Our team strives to keep the site ad-free - to do that, we need to make money through the Premium Shop. So what would interest you in buying Premium content?

And finally, a question about the site's longevity. We recently removed the cap on Kith abilities, so they no longer max out at 400. However, it's possible for very active players to achieve hundreds of ability points in a short time period. I want to try to keep Speed/Guard/Power on approximately equal level with Energy/Reason/Health, but our items are more limited than our games and quests. How would you prefer we limit Speed/Guard/Power rewards? Some options are:
1. Place a cap on games so that they stop rewarding Speed/Guard/Power after reaching 400 in each ability. This would help players with bad luck on the random selection, as it would force payout into the abilities that had not yet reached 400.
2. Place a 'soft cap' on games so that they only reward 1 point to Speed/Guard/Power after reaching 400 in each ability.
3. Reduce all game rewards down to 1 point to Speed/Guard/Power rather than 1 point per difficulty level.
4. Create a 'sliding scale' for game rewards so that Kith with low ability points earn higher rewards, and the rewards get smaller as the Kith increases their ability points.
5. There may be other ideas I haven't even thought of, so let me know!

That's it for now! Thank you all again for helping make Tattered Weave the best it can be!

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