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Tutorial TutorialNew Items: Premium Puffy Hoodies!
Puff Up, They Love That!
My, it’s been so damp lately from all the rain! Despite the temperature warming up, I’ve found myself always taking a jacket along with me. Sometimes a nice weight on your shoulders can be comforting as well, even if you’re not that cold. So I spoke with Andre and little Fray and they have whipped up four styles of Puffy Hoodie for the Headmaster’s Office to sell. It has been a bit since we offered any new Gem apparel so I hope everyone enjoys these!
All four styles come in seventeen colors and you can buy one of each style in the Puffy Hoodie Badge Bundle for 800 Gems, or a single hoodie on its own in the Pick A Part: Puffy Hoodie Badge for 250 Gems.
The first hoodie they completed was the Puffy Cloudy Hoodie, with it’s adorable little fluffy birdlike wings and cloud design. We also have the Puffy Galaxy Hoodie with a star and moon design that will have you soaring with no wings! Also with no wings is the Puffy Gradient Hoodie, which is a more subtle look - though I have heard that you can try layering hoodies together if you want wings on the wingless jackets. Speaking of wings, the last design of the bunch is a winged hoodie as well! The Puffy Imp Hoodie is devilishly cute without being scary. Who wouldn’t want this cute little imp design tagging along?
All four of these count as an Accessory, so make sure to cover up underneath with a Top or Overall! I know it’s getting warmer out but that is no excuse for anyone to go around streaking.
Site Contest: 4/24/17
Congratulations to our Site Contest winner, Gwennafran! For earning the most Cheers on your Miranda's Going on Adventure entry to the Art Challenge, you'll receive the exclusive In the Spotlight Achievement and a Spotlight T-Shirt. A huge thank you to everyone who participated!
This week's contest is an Avatar! Check out the rules here and show your skills! This will be finishing off the month and starting in May we are going to try something a little different foe the next set of competitions.
Site Contest 4/17/17 Closed
Our weekly Site Contest is closed! Thank you to everyone who participated in our Challenge, as an entrant or a Cheering fan. We've collected the data on the entries and will be verifying the winners and deciding any ties over the weekend, so expect to see the winner announced next week on Monday.
Speaking of which, next week's Site Contest category will be an Avatar contest! There's no challenge this week, so show us the best look you've got!
April Event: Adventure?
My goodness, I.. I’m so honored by your support. Everyone has been so kind to me about this… I’ll truly miss Hope while I’m gone. I’ll never forget how much this all means to me! Goodbye, everyone!
Enchanted Forest… here we come! Enheduanna, I’m ready!
Feedback Forum: Newbies, Part 1
Hi, everyone! It's time for another request for feedback, alongside an explanation of what's going on behind the scenes at Mythmakers.
Our number of active users has slowly decreased from about 800 during the first "burst" when Open Beta began to about 200-300 this year. Though our small community is the most friendly and positive that I've ever been a part of, we need to get those numbers up in order to pay for our costs. From the last Forum, we identified one of the major issues, which was that the site was too confusing for new users.
So, our logged out homepage now has a gorgeous update for new visitors browsing the site! We tried to highlight the best parts of the site and emphasize what we believe are the best "hooks" to new visitors. I have also created a Tattered Weave History page with a counterpart on the Forums to explain past updates for any newbies who want to catch up on the story. Next week's update, Newbies, Part 2 will include a new interactive step-by-step Tutorial that should be easier to get through than our current version; plus Referred Rewards for new users who sign up with a Referral link.
Please take a look at these changes and let us know what you think! Is the logged out homepage compelling to you, or do you think it's missing something? Does the Tattered Weave History page cover the past lore well enough? Is there anything else you'd like to see that would help us get new users?
Once these changes are complete (including Part 2, coming soon) we intend to shift some of our programming costs into advertising. This does mean that we'll be slowing down our code updates for the foreseeable future. Tailoring will be finished in the next month or two, which should ease the difficulty of shopping in Tailored Fashions, but after that our updates will be limited to our HTML5 games and smaller site improvements.
We would also love to hear feedback on the idea of a subscription system. We would add this to the site by means of tracking your last purchase of Gems (and also offer ways to buy it as a gift for another user), and offering you access to premium-only bonuses for 30 days. This timestamp would renew every time you purchased Gems.
Some examples of these stacking premium bonuses would be:
100 Gems: Access to the Behind the Scenes Forum that was offered to our Kickstarter backers. Monthly polls on what art/writing to prioritize would be offered so you can make direct suggestions for certain art/writing to get done faster.
500 Gems: In addition, you get expanded Kith vocabulary across the site. Everywhere you see your Active Kith's dialog, you would get additional lines of dialog per Personality Type. For example, on the home page, you'd have 3 random lines of dialog instead of 1 static line of dialog.
1000 Gems: In addition, you get a bonus +1 Reputation per Daily Quest. That means catching up on missed days or vacations much faster!
2000 Gems: In addition, you get access to live streaming videos of our staff working on the site. I'm really not sure what content we'd offer - this is still very much in the planning phase!
5000 Gems: In addition, you get to design one Food, Book, Toy, or Quest item each month, which will be completed by our site artists.
Please keep in mind these are just ideas that we haven't decided on, and I'm looking for feedback specifically to determine what you'd be interested in seeing available in a subscription system!