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New Items: August User Submissions!

Written by Admin  Posted on August 31, 2022
This is it!!! My whole lil' life has been preparin' for this moment!!!! The creation of the ULTIMATEST expression of color in textiles!! I've got the sprinkles arranged just so, the plot bunnies settled an' nibbling away over the garment. Now, I just gotta give 'em a lil' spritz from my spray bottle of water to set the pattern and-

No! Wait! Plot bunnies, it's just a sprinkle!! I THOUGHT YOU LIKED BEIN' WATERED!!!! I HAVE BEEN LED ASTRAY BY GARDENING MECHANICS!!!!!!!

Rayne! Charlie Blep! That Swarm of Plot (garden) Bunnies is comin' in hot!!! Don't let 'em get past you! Watch out for- Oh good grief! That swarm just barreled that poor Blepper over. There, there, it's okay lil' buddy, let's roll you back onto your feeties. There's a good Kith!

Well... my experimentin' on plot-bunny-based tie-dye in fashion can wait 'til next year I s'ppose. I'll workshop the idea with Hypothesis an' be better prepared for NEXT YEAR!! Maybe I just gotta find a snack they like better than sprinkles to get them to sit still long enough through the water spraying...

Welp! For this year right now I better scoot out front with a bit of help from Ariana an' her new friend Red Warrior Licorne to cleanup-slash-hide any lil' plot bunny prints left behind by that soggy swarm. How about you two work on keepin' lookout for Andre while I scrub like the wind! I'm glad he made me this miniature full-body scrub suit for floor cleanin' now!

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