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Home » News » New Quests: Shimmerjoy! Tutorial Tutorial

New Quests: Shimmerjoy!

Written by Admin  Posted on May 11, 2022
At long last, you'll be able to raise your reputation with the Snow Globe characters through quests, starting with Shimmerjoy! A new Daily Quest and multiple new Hourly Quests have been added to the Snow Globe, so anyone who has unlocked that Remnant can start pitching it with neighborly niceties to help Shimmerjoy gain the friends she's always wanted.

Please note that it may take up to an hour for new Hourly Quests to appear on your account, and up to a day for the new Daily Quest to show up. If you run into any problems with receiving quests or trying to complete them, please let us know in the Technical Support Forum so we can get that fixed as soon as possible.

I'd also like to take a moment to cheer for our writing team, who have been working so hard to bring continuous updates to the site despite going through some tough times. If you have any kind words of thanks to share with them, please leave a reply to this thread for them to read and enjoy! I am so grateful and appreciative for the staff and users who make Tattered World the wonderful, welcoming community that it is today. Thank you all!!

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