Posted on October 18, 2016Calling all moderators-to-be!
It's nearly time to open the floodgates, and we need your help! If you'd like to be a moderator, please send a Message to Club using the format below. We're looking to start with 2 or 3 moderators for now, and we're offering 6,000 Gems per month as a thank-you! Reliable, trustworthy moderators with seniority will also be considered for increased pay or even future employment as the site grows. Please only apply if you're 18 or older.
User Name:
Current Time Zone:
At what hours are you most active?
Do you have any experience working as a moderator or similar position maintaining a community or group?
How much time do you expect to be able to dedicate to the site on a weekly basis? Are there any regularly occurring days or times that you’re unavailable? Estimates or best guesses for this are fine!
Why do you want to join the moderation team?
Tell us a bit about yourself.
We have also updated our Terms and Rules, so you should read through those if you haven't already! The Terms added our Paypal legal information, while the Rules have clarified our view on profanity.
Speaking of which, it's time for another feedback question: What profanity, if any, do you think should be removed from our filters? The profanity that we wish to avoid is that which causes harm or discomfort, which is why our Rules were updated to specify that any profanity used against another user is not allowed. An exclamation like "holy spit!" or "that's a dang fricken gorgeous piece of cake" doesn't cause anyone harm, but "your (slur) face deserves to melt away so I never have to see it again!" is incredibly harmful. I hope that makes sense. Please let us know in a reply what profanity you think should and shouldn't be left in the filter!
On a completely different note, our dear Club has been hard at work changing items around. We have a few new items to introduce, as well as some changes to existing items and recipes.
Items moved into the Arcade for Piper's Snack Bar:
Butterscotch, Zebra Bubblegum, Rainbow Lollipop
Watermelon Soda, Tropical Punch Soda, Strawberry Soda, Root Beer Soda, Pineapple Soda, Peach Soda, Orange Soda, Lemon Lime Soda, Green Apple Soda, Grape Soda, Ginger Ale Soda, Dr. Pop Soda, Diet Cola Pop Soda, Cream Soda, Cranberry Soda, Cola ZERO Soda, Cherry Soda, Carbonated Milk, Blueberry Soda
Stocked in both the Arcade and the General store:
Chocolate Bar
Moved to Greenhouse Garden:
Green Olives
New Items in Greenhouse Garden:
Red Apple
Red Bell Peppers
Red Grapes
Black Olives
New Recipes:
White Grape Juice
Golden Raisins
Recipe changes:
Apple Jam: Now uses Red Apple instead of Green Apple
Apple Juice: Now uses Red Apple instead of Green Apple
Apple Pie: Now also needs Red Apple in addition to the original Green Apple
Crab Cakes: Now uses Red Bell Peppers instead of Green Bell Pepper
Western Omelet: Now also needs Red Bell Pepper in addition to the original Green Bell Pepper.
Raisins: Now uses Red Grapes rather then Green Grapes
Grape Jam: Now also needs Red Grapes addition to the original Green Grapes
Grape Juice: Uses Red grapes now instead of Green Grapes
Inventory only showing 18 items per page instead of 20 - fixed!
patience - Kith notification using "it" instead of "they" - fixed!
BBCode [color] button doesn’t stay applied when using double enters (whenever there is a blank line, the color code stops working) - status: fix in progress
double enter no longer working to create extra spaces on posts - status: fix in progress
Sometimes the Games don't download graphics to your computer properly. We don't know why yet. Close the window, refresh your cache and try opening the game again to fix this problem.
The security questions dropdown has repeat questions, whoops. We've disabled the security questions on the unlock request for the time being, so you should be able to unlock your account without them.
Item names may sometimes stretch the images in your inventory, in shops, etc.
The Restock Shop timer occasionally glitches. (This will be fixed after public launch.)