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Royal Hearth by Dread won the Clothing Design Spotlight! I tried, tried to capture just a sliver of her spirit, of what I could gleam, even if it is just a fraction of her warmth and strength and charm.But if I was able to forge even a fraction of the inspiration I see in your eyes every time you speak of her, then...maybe I did ok.
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Site Contest Winners: December 2019

Written by Admin  Posted on December 30, 2019
That mist Offstage has been steadily rising, so thick that I can barely see the spotlights. I don't like these unfamiliar scents that I've been catching, either. Stay close to me, all of you - it's time to announce the December Site Contest winners.

Let out a howl for Memetos by dicedicedice in the Craft category, and Solarium pirate by Sheap in the Avatar category!

Since you both earned the most Cheers on your entries, you'll each receive 100 Gems, as well as the In the Spotlight Achievement, the Spotlight T-Shirt and the Spotlight Showcase. I’m moving the winning threads to the Archived Contest Winners Forum, while my pack is moving all the other entries to the Past Contest Entries Forum.

As for the January Site Contest… Listen. I don't know what the future is going to hold for us. But disembodied voices spouting strange, ominous words… It raises my hackles. So I think it's best if all of you get ready for a Kith Design Category, making some new forms of Kith that are Battle-Ready and prepared to fiercely face down any challengers we might meet.

The contest will begin on January 13th. Meanwhile, I'll be sharpening my swords and fletching my arrows. Rrgh! If it's The End that this new enemy wants, I'll put an end to them myself!

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