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Miranda's Going on Adventure by Gwennafran won the Art Spotlight!
Good luck to Miranda with her new adventure. :)
Home » News » Site Contest Winners: February 2018 Tutorial Tutorial

Site Contest Winners: February 2018

Written by Admin  Posted on February 26, 2018
That's IT! Time's up, my cheering fans, so let's see who won this month's Site Contest already!

In the Avatar contest, users were challenged to dress up like their dearest darlingest character... Wait, what? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TRY TO LOOK LIKE ME? I can't believe The Narrator by Moth King of Moths won! That guy doesn't even have an appearance! HMPH! I see how-

All the more reason to applaud a creative interpretation. Your jealousy is an amusing flattery I can appreciate, though.

Wh... That was weird... Where was I? Oh, right! Friendship Necklace by NerdGorgon won the Craft contest with a beautiful accessory declaring their admiration! It was so spectacular that no one dared run against such an obvious winner! Were you thinking of me when you made it? Ooh, I'm swooning at the thought~!

And last but certainly not least, fighting for first place among Staff votes to break a tie... drumroll, please... Hang Out With You (Video!) by Runery won the Art contest! It was marvelous! Stunning! Moving! I was brought to tears! You can even watch the video and see me, right there, in tears! You truly captured the essence of each and every touching moment of love, from the tragic to the heartwarming!

To you three inspirational muses, for earning the most Cheers on your entries, you'll receive the exclusive In the Spotlight Achievement and the Spotlight T-Shirt and Spotlight Showcase items!

A huge thank you to everyone who participated! Entries that did not win have been moved to the Showcase Forum for safekeeping. (Remember that you can always re-enter the same entry again later if you didn't win this time!)

Don't forget that this means the Palentine's Day shop is now closed! You'll have to pick up some pretty presents for your sweetheart next year if you missed your opportunity. I've also been told that another Site Contest Announcement will be coming soon for March, so keep an eye out on the horizon!

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