Experiment Progress Echoed
Posted on June 25, 2017O-oh! Right, right, s-sorry, I almost didn't notice you w-waiting there. That song's been stuck in my head ever since I heard it on the beach... I-it's pretty, but it sounds so.. lonely... sad.... regretful? A-and since Lenta took over the next steps in our e-experiment on the Siren’s Body Paint, I, well... I've been thinking that I, I know I have a lot to regret myself... pushing ahead with this experiment, bringing this storm down on us all... messing up Andre's stock a-and having no way to make it up to him... causing that princess to marry for p-protection, or, or something...
Listening to this echo m-made me realize.. h-how much I've hurt people. I... can't stop the Everstorm myself, o-or heal wounds with magic, but... but.... d-don't laugh, okay? I.. I just... thought m-maybe everyone could use a hug.. from Nurse Stuffy. To feel better.