Halloween Event: The True Memory of Winter
Posted on October 23, 2024--
Where is he?! Where’s the Narrator? I’ve finally got it all prepared!
You and all of your colleagues from the Golden Age, you have so much to answer for! And I'm not going to rest until you do!
So I’ve prepared a 78-point presentation about why nobody should trust you OR work with you!
Point ONE:
I’ve found between 50 to 70 separate instances on the Hope University school forums in which you have been referred to as “a/the/this hack” and/or “The Hack” [sic]. Your true nature has been evident for years!
Point TWO:
Furthermore, after rereading The Book of W.I.N.T.E.R. no less than six times cover-to-cover, cross-referenced with the histories of the Stage and all known records of the Golden Age, I’ve realized that you were ALL a bunch of hacks! Observe the following:
“Our work is for the betterment of all, and classified information is kept secret solely to protect non-members from misunderstanding our goals.”
This is clear evidence that what you were doing was being deliberately hidden for YOUR benefit, not for the world’s sake!
Point THREE -