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Site Contest Winners: July 2022

Written by Admin  Posted on July 26, 2022
Good morning, grasshoppers! It's time to announce the winners of this month's Site Contest... Mini Succulent Garden by IthilrilMoon in the Craft category, and Plants are for studying! by GlitchieReborn in the Kith category! Hip hip hurrah~!

Since you both earned the most Cheers on your entries, you'll each receive 100 Gems, as well as the In the Spotlight Achievement, the Spotlight T-Shirt, and the Spotlight Showcase! Everyone give them a hearty round of applause!

As I'm sure you're all used to be now, the winning threads will be moved over to the Archived Contest Winners Forum, while all other entries will be moved to the Past Contest Entries Forum for spring cleaning. I guess it is a bit late in the year for "spring" cleaning... summer cleaning is still good though!

Now then, Andre sent word that his little string bean of a Kith, Fray, will be hosting the August Site Contest with a theme of Creative Colors to match the Prism Party going on next month! There's going to be an Item Design and Clothing Recolor Design category so that everyone can join the messy little Kith in a celebration of color - how sweet! Tee hee, I'll be sure to wear an apron when I visit~

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