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Site Contest: July 2022

Written by Admin  Posted on July 12, 2022
Wow! It's working - it's really working!! Gardening with the Kith is breaking the Scourge of Deception back into smaller pieces of Snarls, and weaving the volcanic holes in the Snow Globe back together! I've always heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but who knew it applied to giant fiery monsters, too? And phew! I can't tell you how terrifying that thing is... I'll be relieved when this is all over and everyone I love is safe again.

So let's keep planting the seeds of Hope! I'm hosting the July Site Contest, and there's no theme more appropriate than this one: Grow Your Own Garden! Your first category will be Craft, where I want to see what you can make with your own green thumb! Or if you've got a brown thumb, maybe show me what you've wilted and I can help you nurse your poor plants back to life? It doesn't even have to be a real, live plant - you can craft anything for this contest!

Now, the second category hits a little close to home - or rather, digs deep into some troubles I've had in the past. The Kith category is your chance to prove that Kith aren't the ruinous little wretches that keep stealing my beloved Cabbadonia and ripping up my garden beds! I want to see some growth and maturity beyond what those naughty "little ones" from the Tatters get up to when Iris isn't looking... At least, I hope your Kith has better manners. There have been rumors that some Kith have grown their own transformation stages, even! So which Kith are you bringing to your garden, hm~?

The entries start today! Winners are chosen based on the number of Cheers that their entry receives. Make sure to check the Rules before you post!

The contest will end on July 26th at 12:00 (noon) CHT, and the winner of each category will receive 100 Gems, as well as a special In the Spotlight Achievement and some unique items, the Spotlight Showcase and Spotlight T-Shirt! Oooh~

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