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Cracking Open the Snow Globe: Meet Firmheart!

Written by Admin  Posted on February 02, 2022

I see that our new guests have entered the latest crack and graced us with their presence?

Then may I offer the warmest of welcomes to our Community Council Center. I'm sure we are all... ecstatic... to make your acquaintances. I am Councilor Firmheart.

After a number of... thoughtful discussions with my husband on the subject of your appearance - many, many discussions - I have decided it would be most gracious to offer you some additional guidance, answering any queries you may have.

I would love to offer a little more information about our cozy community - and how we do things here.

You have already viewed the cottage that forms the central hub of our social engagements, where we take turns gathering for food and shelter and camaraderie. These parties are strictly informal, no permits necessary, as all official festivities are celebrated in the Community Council Center where equal access is made available by numerous volunteers. You may check the calendar posted in front at any time for more information on specific, planned events coming up in the next quarter.

Likewise, anyone who wishes to relax should visit the saunas. You’ll find that we Dwellers frequently shed all of our attire and soak in the hot springs together. Often this is merely a casual social experience among friends and family members. However, in cases of certain... urgency... a warm bath can also provide an opportunity to ensure that your concerns are fleeting, peaceably melting away - thanks to the assistance of the healers who volunteer there, and who have been trained to intervene with everything from massage therapy to expert chiseling and repair.

And now you have all passed through the Hall of Resolutions to the Council Records room of the Community Council Center, where those of us who have been elected to shepherd the community meet and discuss important matters.

Such as what to do about your situation...

Of course, there was never any doubt that we would behave in accordance with the generosity and thoughtfulness that our community values. Particularly given that the Council has somehow received a series of impeccably-baked First Impression Casseroles showcasing your Remnant's ingredients, in perfect accordance with etiquette befitting a new guest's arrival…

There were, of course, some justifiable suggestions made with regards to the practicality of the situation. After all, our bedtime stories for children are filled with fabled warnings about outsiders beyond the wall of the Snow Globe. And certain members of the Council might have suggested that we move at a more thoughtful and measured pace...

However, Councilor Gloryglint made an... unexpectedly eager argument that you should all be welcomed immediately and brought into the center of the Snow Globe. I believe her exact words were, “As many of these delightful new guests as we can acquire, to teach them what true hospitality means...” Indeed, she seemed quite thrilled at the prospect.

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