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New Feature: Referrals!

Written by Admin  Posted on October 13, 2016
One week to go!

We’re so close to opening the doors for everyone to join! We’ve been hastily testing the mobile CSS layout and server/database optimizations to get ready for the big day.

In anticipation of all our new users, we’ve added a Referral feature so that you can earn rewards for any friends that sign up! You can find a referral link in your Settings page; this link will autocomplete the Referred by field on the registration page. For every new user you refer, you’ll earn 1 free Gem! And, if that user buys Gems themselves, you will automatically receive a free bonus 5% of however many Gems they purchase, every time they shop!

Some other minor updates that we’ve squeezed in last-minute: you can now Trade your Kith if you use a premium Foreign Alliance to do so. Each Foreign Alliance allows you to Trade any number of Kith one time only, and can only be used one at a time. Please be careful not to have multiple Trades ongoing with multiple Foreign Alliances, as it may cause your Alliance to fail.

Users were experiencing issues with the account expiration, so we have turned that security feature off entirely. We’ve also increased the automatic logout time from 3 hours to 1 day.

Finally, the Kith transformation notifications have changed. You’ll now see a small phrase from your Kith when they transform, based on their Personality!

As a warning, this weekend we will be deleting the Energy, Reason, and Health rewards from Hourly Quests. You’ll have to earn those through consumables again! It’s a bit tight, but we made sure that you can get to 400 in all stats - and we’ve got plenty more item updates on the way. :)

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