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you better watch out by Voldemortimer won the Avatar Spotlight! Good luck un-magicking THIS snow man!! hes got so many magic clothes on right now.
Home » News » Code Update: 9/7/21 Tutorial Tutorial

Code Update: 9/7/21

Written by Admin  Posted on September 07, 2021
Hello again, everyone! I have a number of small code updates happening on the site today. Please note that these changes may take effect anytime within the next several hours for your account, so they may not be working right away!

The achievement bug that was not granting achievements for Kith Personality has been fixed, AND those achievements are now repeatable! This means you should receive a notification and reward every time your Kith reaches a max personality, no matter how many Kith you raise!

The trade bug causing Kith to not be tradable if they had ever battled has been fixed.

Outfit icons have been resized to the correct ratios.

Finally, Snarl rewards are being adjusted - in theory, you should not notice any differences among the bound Snarls, but please let me know in the Technical Support Forum if you do notice anything odd. We are changing how these items are rewarded in the admin backend, so that Snarl uploading can be a little bit faster and won't run into human error such as the dreaded typo.

Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!

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