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Home » News » Code Update: 6/29/21 Tutorial Tutorial

Code Update: 6/29/21

Written by Admin  Posted on June 29, 2021
Hi again, everyone! It's time for another big code update full of little changes. I'll start off with some improvements to the battle system!

The Battle High Scores page has been updated to separate out five separate winners, for each difficulty level of Snarls: Petty, Mild, Strong, Overwhelming, and Devastating. This means there will be 5 prizes handed out every day, week, and month!

Previously, the new rewards were not running at the correct times, so I will be manually checking the records and granting rewards to past winners who did not receive their rewards. During the next 24 hours, the Battle High Scores page may look a bit off as we manually correct a few old entries and get it working with this update again!

On the Arenas page, we've added a scrolling feature to the Snarls section so that Arenas with a lot of Snarls will no longer stretch out of bounds of the information box.

Status effects in battle now have a visual display below the HP bar. Users on desktop can hover the mouse over the effect icon to see the name of the effect on their Kith. All users can check the My Status and Enemy Status tabs to see the name of any currently active effects.

We are still working on a way to incorporate the damage, effect, and consequence information into the default view of the page so that information isn't only on the History page, but it's proving difficult to implement. We are also working on a bug fix for the "order of operations" bug, which causes a battle to error out when both Kith & Enemies die during the same turn.

Now for some non-battle updates! On the mobile version of the Kith Allies page, text should overflow correctly between the Kith's name and any statuses on the Kith, like their Active status and Daily Activity status.

Whenever your Kith learns a new transformation, they will now automatically change into it to try it out! You can still edit the Kith Profile page to change them back to any previous transformations they've learned.

And last but not least, I'm afraid I must end on a sad note. The Event page has been updated to remove all past Event images due to a bug that was causing the incorrect images to appear on different past Events. For future Events, we will be planning on taking a screenshot to use instead so that the images are preserved without conflicting with other past Events. (For example, a single screenshot of The Dragon in the Throne Room with a quote from the Narrator would have been appropriate for the Reign of the Dragon Event.)

As always, please report any bugs or issues to the Technical Support Forum so we can get them fixed as soon as possible!

Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered World the best it can be!

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