Site Contest: March 2021
Posted on March 08, 2021In the meantime, I’ve been preparing for the March Site Contest: Histories True and False. When you’re old as I am, it’s hard not to dwell on the way things were… and the way things could’ve been. So for this Kith Contest and Clothing Design Contest, I want you folks to join this old man in his reminiscing.
Now, this could be an homage to your favorite Event with your friends here in the Tattered World, or it could be an accurate reference to a favorite moment in history, whether from your own childhood, the times of your great-grandparents, or any pre-Cataclysmic time period that fascinates you. That being said… Sometimes it’s hard not to wonder, what if? So you can also imagine an alternate history, showing us things that didn’t come to pass… but that could have. Just be sure to tell us in your entry how your Kith items or clothing ties into history in some way.
The entries start today. I’ll be wrapping things up on March 21st at 12:00 (noon) CHT with an announcement of the winners sometime on March 22nd - and the winner of each category will receive 100 Gems by order of the Princess, as well as a special In the Spotlight Achievement and some unique items, the Spotlight Showcase and Spotlight T-Shirt.
Winners are chosen based on the number of Cheers that their entry receives. And don't forget to take a gander at the Rules.
Speaking of history, and of the Princess… This reminds me that there’s something I should go talk to Celariel about. We’ve been putting it off, but…
Maybe it’s time.