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From Davy Jones's Locker by Rayne won the Avatar Spotlight! Many a soul has been claimed by the sea ne'er to resurface but some come back, clawing their way to shore out of the grasp of the deep searching for their living crewmates and long-lost treasure hoards.
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New Premium Items: Solar Sentinel Set!

Written by Admin  Posted on December 04, 2020
Ay, Beebot, thank you for arranging such a radiant outing. This date is just what I needed after such a difficult week... I'm glad that the hives are permitted to take the occasional afternoon off, nowadays, so that we can spend time together during the day for once. ...All of the help from our friends on Earth has really made such a difference, hasn't it?

...That's part of why I feel so foolish, that I keep focusing on such insignificant things. Life has been going so well for us aboard the station, comparatively... and going well for you and I in particular. And yet I cannot seem to stop fixating on concerns about what might happen to them, with all the battling that they've been doing down in Hope... I find myself continually feeling paralyzed, even when it has nothing to do with me all. ...And now I'm rambling about it again. Thank you for listening.

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