Site Contest Winners: October 2020
Posted on October 19, 2020But now we have some special performances to applaud! Let us celebrate the winners of this month's Site Contest... The Hallowed Lady by Leslie in the Avatar category, and Undead Phowl by Firebirb in the Kith Design category!
Since you both earned the most Cheers on your entries, you must have learned some details of the wicked plot underway, so tell us quickly what villain we must seek and destroy! Who is behind these sleek silks and extra-electrical bats!?
Right, of course! I never forget my oaths, Mawnite! As promised, you shall each receive 100 Gems, as well as the In the Spotlight Achievement, the Spotlight T-Shirt, and the Spotlight Showcase. Furthermore, Firebirb shall receive a Custom Kith Design to submit Undead Phowl to the Kith Fashions shop!
I shall move the winning threads to the Archived Contest Winners Forum, while all other entries shall be moved to the Past Contest Entries Forum-
WAIT! What is that shambling horror? Has all of this lightning reanimated a corpse?? Oh… No, it is merely the Scribe, draped in blankets and looking rather worse for the wear.