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Site Contest: October 2020

Written by Admin  Posted on October 05, 2020
AHA, what is THIS? A group of villains, gathered to plot some nefarious deed? At last, Mawnite, we may have uncovered the Narrator's pawns responsible for the latest scheme that has beset the Shadow Stage-

Oh! I see. Thank you for the correction… It does indeed appear to be an innocent group of costumed Travelers, here to assist me with the Happy Halloweave October Site Contest!

Well met, my friends. Come gather around my campfire, for strange happenings are indeed afoot... The trickster Scribe, a known associate of the dreaded Narrator, has been venturing forth at all hours, contacting countless ghosts and ghouls. Most suspicious! And furthermore, I have heard her conferring with the silvery-tongued Dollmaker on multiple occasions - I am greatly concerned that she wishes to seduce him back into a Role of subservient villainy, and I... I… I mislike such wickedness on principle. We must be on guard to prevent him from returning to malicious scripts!

Additionally, I observed the Scribe meeting with the Witch and the Wolf as well, colluding about some sort of planned performance. I donned a cunning disguise and tried to approach in order to learn more, but woe! The Wolf became enraged and shot many an arrow at me, forcing me to make a strategic retreat… She must have been able to somehow detect my scent, keen hunter that she is.

Yet, a-HA! An idea has struck me most fortuitously. You, brave Travelers, wear such a wide variety of costumes and roles that it's impossible to keep you from intervening when the Narrator strikes! So I shall enlist assistance from all of you! My friends, will you join me in my investigations by entering the October Costume Category? Simply wear an outfit evoking a spooky Role, that you might fit in upon our fine Stage without triggering suspicions, and we shall sneak around as comrades in arms!

Fear not, noble Mawnite, I have not forgotten about their Kith Allies! I shall advise them to also enter the Kith Design Category with their most haunting Kith designs, that all of our friends might be able to play the part of false Stagehands as we uncover the vile plot that is underway!

The entries start today! The contest shall reach its end upon October 18th at 12:00 (noon) CHT - and the winner of each category shall receive 100 Gems, as well as a special In the Spotlight Achievement and some unique items, the Spotlight Showcase and Spotlight T-Shirt! Furthermore, the winning Kith Design shall receive a Custom Kith Stage Submission item free of charge!

Winners shall be chosen based on the number of Cheers that their entry receives. Applause is certain to be your best cover story! And do not forget to read the Rules - but surely, all of those will be secondary to the knowledge that your efforts shall help to uncover evil and protect innocents whenever needed.

Now who will join me on this quest?! For it is whispered that a fearsome new Role is stalking our Stage…

The Seeba…

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