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Site Contest: August 2020

Written by Admin  Posted on August 10, 2020
Initializing final scans - preparations at 98.93% - hip-hip-huzzzah, it's time to initialize the August Site Contest, with an encoded theme of Precious Petals!!

My Dryad friends, designations Alban and Lenta, have reached out to Marisol and our hive, asking us to run research scans on some unique rose specimens for them, and my processing unit is all abuzzz with the results!! These samples contain data like nothing else my sensors have recorded - protocols indicate that we will surely have to keep investigating their genomes over a notable length of time!!

But that gave me an idea - maybe the civilians of Hope would be able to provide further insights via a Miscellaneous Item Design Contest, in which they could assist our botanists aboard the Cosmic Solarium by genetically engineering a whole new species of flower based on their experiences across Remnants!! You'll just need to transmit the name of your flower, plus a short written description describing its attributes, and optionally, if you like, any supplementary photographs or quick sketches. There is no requirement to include visuals, though - my sunny Sol and her team of botanists will be creating the flower themselves, after which it will be stocked in a shop!!

Oh me oh my, I'm zzipping about in excitement just thinking about it - but if flowers aren't as special to you as they are to me, that shouldn't stop you!! Everyone should get the chance to show us something that makes them feel sunny, so we are also implementing a free-form Art Contest!! According to the programmed theme, you can draw anything from our Tattered World that is close to your heart or your processing cores, whether it's a Kith - or a shopkeeper - or a relationship - or a memory from an Event - or a picture of yourself with your friends - oh, I calculate that there are countless possibilities!!

Preparations are now at 100.00%!! You may submit your entries!! The contest will end on August 23rd at 12:00 (noon) CHT - and the winner of each category will receive 100 Gems, as well as a special In the Spotlight Achievement and some unique items, the Spotlight Showcase and Spotlight T-Shirt.

Winners are chosen based on the number of Cheers that their entry receives. And don't forget to download the Rules directly into your central databanks!!

Good luck with your entries!! I beelieve in you!!

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