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Site Contest Winners: July 2020

Written by Admin  Posted on July 20, 2020
Well, ya made a real splash! Me and the rest o' the crew are already singing along to yer entries during our sea shanty night, and trying out a few o' yer suggested fashions, too, but when it comes to winners, it seems there were two entries that the community really treasured!

Let’s let out a hearty pirate bellow for the winners o' this month's Site Contest... From Davy Jones's Locker by Rayne in the Avatar category, and Facing the Everstorm by Dread in the Writing category!

Since ya both earned the most Cheers on yer entries, ya'll each receive 100 Gems, as well as the In the Spotlight Achievement, the Spotlight T-Shirt, and the Spotlight Showcase!

I’m gonna haul the winning threads to the Archived Contest Winners Forum, while all other entries will be moved to the Past Contest Entries Forum!

Next up, it seems that metal bee from aboard the Cosmic Solarium is hosting the August Site Contest, with the theme o' Precious Petals! The first category will be a Miscellaneous Item Design Contest, where ya'll be making yer own flour- wait, hang on, it says "making yer own FLOWER." Shoot, how are they supposed to design a living plant...? Huh! Looks like ya just need to describe yer ideal flower, and those fancy Solarium botanists will do the rest, making the winning design into something sold in the shops! Ya don't gotta draw it or anything.

Save yer scribbling skills for the second category, which is a free-form Art Contest! Just draw anything about the Tattered World that's precious to ya! That can be a relationship ya wanna highlight, a drawing o' a particular shopkeeper who really puts the wind in yer sales… Or even a treasure chest full o' Kith booty!

The contest will begin on August 10th! Can’t wait to see yer entries!

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