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New Items: Pants!

Written by Admin  Posted on September 16, 2016
What’s in YOUR pockets?

I've been getting requests for something that is not quite sleepwear, but is at least comfortable lounge wear. And while I am not the sort to wear Sweat Pants out and about, I can’t deny they are temptingly comfortable… But variety is the spice of life, and in contrast to the relaxed comfiness of the Sweat Pants, I also have a new line of Dress Pants. I'm giving you all a little bonus here and throwing in a free belt with them - they need that extra touch to look just right.

I’ve also found in my day-to-day life that it might be safer to start carrying things of importance on my person. Iris seems nice, but her “little ones” have sticky paws, if you catch my meaning. I've lost more buttons than I can count… So, since I need more secure storage, I have a whole set of new Cargo Pants for all your pocket needs! Buttons, thread, snacks; pack whatever you want with the confidence that tiny claws will have… well, not an impossible time, but at least a harder time sneaking off with it.

And finally, I bring you something that isn't even pants at all. No, they are in fact, Shorts. And unlike the Cargo Pants, they have absolutely no pockets at all, which means the Kith won't be sneaking things like ribbons or paper or... whatever sorts of things Kith collect for their nests onto your person. Be a pack mule no more, and show off your legs while it’s still warm enough to do so.
These new pants (and shorts) will be down at Tailored Fashions for you to come and peruse. And if any of you find a cache of stolen buttons, they can be returned at my store, no questions asked. Sigh.

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