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Home » News » Code Update: 3/18/20 Tutorial Tutorial

Code Update: 3/18/20

Written by Admin  Posted on March 17, 2020
Hey everyone, I've got another code update for you today. Last night's unintended update was still missing a few key pieces that were needed on the backend, so we've added that code to the site. This should fix the imbalanced numbers for the Snarls' Attack and Defend Strategies, but everything else that was changed is hidden away in the admin side of things.

Edit: Oh, I almost forgot! The countdown on Strategies and Effects have been synced so that they should now count down the same amount on each turn (both your turns and the enemy's turns).

However, one crucial part of this update: all previous battles will need to be forfeited or you will likely find errors when trying to complete them.

This update touches ALL of the calculations used in battle, so it's very, very likely that you will need to end any ongoing battles and start new ones that utilize the new code. If you try to continue a battle from before this update, you may be able to complete it successfully, but I can't make any guarantees. In the future I'll be adding a simple way to wipe all beta battle data, so that when something big like this happens, I can simply start everyone fresh on the new version.

Please note that it may take up to an hour for these changes to fully take effect on your account, so try clearing your cache after 4:15PM CHT if you encounter any issues that might be caused by the servers rebooting.

Feel free to ask questions in this thread, but please report any issues in the Technical Support Forum.
(Do not report issues with battles that were started before this update. You will simply have to forfeit those battles.)

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