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New Items: October Recolors!!

Written by Admin  Posted on October 31, 2019
Hello everyone! It's me, Admin Diana! Club left me with a laundry list of to-do while she and Shady were off at the Gala. I guess they got held up and can't do the update themselves. Even Fray is nowhere to be seen. Strange, that! :) But never fear, Diana is here!

We should start with this appropriately spooky new friend from Elfy, the Cerberus Scalyx! Look at those happy little faces! I bet they can't wait to get one last bite out of Halloweave!

Up next we have the custom clothing submissions! It's a short list this time, looks like everyone was busy with Halloweave and whatever's going on in the Illuminary Gala. But the submissions we do have are certainly all quality over quantity!

Contest Winner Dread:
Healing Gala Sheer Dress
Healing Split Mantle Cape
Healing Delicate Flowercrown
Ruby Teardrop Earrings

Ferrec Furred Hoodie Selection - ( Orange Ferrec Furred Hoodie, Blue Ferrec Furred Hoodie, Enchanting Ferrec Furred Hoodie, Bandit Ferrec Furred Hoodie )

Baggy Cardigan Selection - ( Teal Baggy Cardigan, Indigo Baggy Cardigan, Black Baggy Cardigan, Orange Baggy Cardigan, Pink Baggy Cardigan )
Enchanted Balcony

Lantern Earrings

Witchery Hats Selection - ( Tattered Witchery Hat )

And of course I can't forget the recolors Club left with me! They look like a, uh, a big pile of cloth... Oh! I see! These are all brand new Spirit Plain Waist Wraps! It looks like she redid them in all 24 Hope colors! They will be added to the Punk Waist Wrap Pattern along with the original patterned colors.

Let's see, the next pile has a note attached.
'Maybe with these, Fray will freak out less about bare butts running around school...'
Oh! How wonderful! These are all 12 default skin tones done up as Tone 08 Plus Sized Leggings. I'll be adding these to the original pattern as well to give everyone a change at a fuller, but slightly more nude look.

Also, it's been literal years, but we've got an idea for a new format to test out in Staff Q&A! We'll be opening a new Q&A thread on November 1st and keeping it unlocked until November 8th. During that time, you can post any questions you have and any Staff members may pop in to answer them! Once the thread has been locked, we will endeavor to go through all of the questions asked and get at least some kind of response for you, even if we cannot answer your questions.

Please keep in mind that we will not be answering any spoilers, and that each Staff member has their own headcanons which are NOT made canon from Q&As. Whenever we work on official updates for the site, it's a team effort that often involves a lot of back-and-forth decision making, so until we hit that point and publish the information officially on site, everything in the Q&A is unofficial!

We are also a small team, so we ask that you please be polite and considerate when asking questions. Follow the usual rules of the Forums, but also remember that we are busy working hard and trying our best to provide you with fun, free, good entertainment! So I'd like to ask that you keep your questions on the short and simple side, or to only ask one "big" question that might take a long time to answer.

Here's hoping that we have a good thread and that this format works well enough to use more often in the future!

Thank you all again for making Tattered World the best it can be!

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