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Site Contest: September 2019

Written by Admin  Posted on September 16, 2019
Ahoy, everybody! Today we're settin' sail with the September Site Contest, which has a theme o' Fun Times with Friends!

First up, we're tryin' out a new Book Design Contest! The way it works is that ya describe yer idea for a book that honors some o' yer favorite Tattered World friendships. No need to draw it yerself or anythin' - just come up with some neat thoughts and a book description! The winner's even gonna get their book added to the Campus Supplies shop over in Hope.

We've also got a Craft Contest, where ya make a real-world object that reminds ya of yer Tattered World buddies in some way! Makin' trinkets for yer crew is a time-honored pirate tradition, after all.

Ya got until September 29th at 12:00 (noon) CHT to get the most Cheers on yer entries! The winner o' each category is gonna receive 100 Gems, plus a special Achievement and some unique items! Ooh, and be sure to read the Rules! Don't want any well-meanin' entries capsizing 'cause of a technicality.

Gosh, I sure can't wait to see all yer entries!

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