Code Update: 6/25/19
Posted on June 25, 2019First and foremost is a much-anticipated update to our pagination: you can now jump to any page using the new "Jump" button! At long last, you don't have to click dozens of times to get back to the right page of your inventory or dressing room.
We've also created a Preview button on the Tatters shop page so that you can now find the previews directly! Because the spoiler tags were interfering with some slow connections, pushing you to a different section of the page, we've removed those - please preview at your own risk!
The Achievements page has received a major update so that you can now see ALL available Achievements! We've created a progress bar at the top of the page so you can see just how much you've accomplished on the site. Currently, the way I have any exclusive Achievements set up is to display on the page if you have the Achievement earned or available, and to hide the Achievement if it is no longer available. This does mean some over-achievers can happily push themselves over 100% completion... :P You'll also be able to hunt down exactly which requirements give you Achievements. So again - browse at your own risk of spoilers!
Finally, we've added a Comment section to Kith Profile pages! At long last, you can praise your favorite Kith for their aesthetics or descriptions or clever names and so on! We are going to eventually add customizability to the Kith & User Profile pages so that you can choose which sections to display, including the Comment section, but I do not expect that will come out for several more months due to the Battle system currently in development. That's our top priority right now!
As always, if you notice any problems with these updates, please report it in the Technical Support Forum so we can fix it for you all! Thank you all again for making Tattered Weave the best it can be!