Experiment Progress Resumed
Posted on December 19, 2018If you would please donate in a, uh, calm and o-orderly fashion, I could use the help... As you may know, o-or not?, one of the Review Committee’s chief c-concerns about my experiments is that there was very little insight into my, um, “transparency for the c-community at large”… So n-now that they’ve allowed me to start experimenting on the Tattered Weave again, I will e-endeavor to keep the s-student body more informed.
Therefore, I’ve been making some, uh, s-safety updates to my experiments on the relationship between the Tatters and raw matter, and n-now I am ready to build some new equipment to enable my experiments to p-proceed! A-any donations to the University Lab will begin progress toward a new discovery! Of some sort... I still have to calibrate the hardware such that... mumble...
A-anyway, th-thanks for listening! Um. That’s the whole update, you c-can go back to your holiday shopping…..