Site Contest: November 2018
Posted on November 12, 2018TAAAA-DAAAAA!! Kiths and Allies, the one, the only, the SPECTACULAR Fray-hosted November Site Contest is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!!! We’re gonna have a great time! Don’ forget, we’ve gotta BRAND-NEW Kith Design Contest category, where you can design all sortsa dazzlin’ Kith stages an’ win a FREEEEEEEEEEE CUSTOM KITH SUBMISSION FOR THE SITE!!!! Plus, we have an Art Contest category, too, where you can draw your most favorite Kith!
I wanted to pick the AMAZIN’, FRAY-APPROVED winner but Andre says we gotta do it like normal, so the winners’ll be the ones that get the most Cheers! The Site Contest runs ’til November 25th at 12:00 (noon) CHT. Lotsa time for lotsa art!!
Fray, is there something else you're forgetting?
OH YEAH! Also you hafta obey the Rules to win! Sorry, that’s the… uh… rules! NOW LET’S GET MOVIN’! READY, SET, GOGOGO!!!!