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Staff Update: Welcome Runery!

Written by Admin  Posted on October 17, 2018
We're absolutely thrilled to announce our newest member of the Tattered Weave team: Runery! Please welcome our new writer with a comment or Cheer!

It was an extremely tough choice between applicants, so thank you again to everyone who applied. Some of you literally brought me to tears with your words! We sincerely hope that Tattered Weave will continue to grow and provide even more opportunities for us to work together on making this site the best it can be.

Speaking of growth, we are also in need of one or two additional Site Assistants! This would ideally be someone willing to do a lot of technical, mathematical, and organizational tasks behind the scenes, such as updating Quest percentages, fixing typos, updating lists/spreadsheets, etc. They may also be tasked with very simple moderation tasks, such as moving threads around after a Contest and posting Contest reminders. This is a volunteer position which will earn 5,000 Gems per month as a thank-you!

Please only apply if you’re 18 or older, as you will need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement form for us. There’s lots of sneak peeks back here! You will also need a Discord account so you can join the TW Moderation server.

Applicants should fill out the form below and send it to Club in a Message on site. Edited to add: please apply before Wednesday, October 24th!

Discord ID:
Current Time Zone:
At what hours are you most active on the site?
Do you have any experience working as a moderator or other organizational position in a community?
What do you think best qualifies you for this position?
Why do you want to join the team?
Tell us a bit about yourself.

We can’t wait to see who applies! I know I must sound like a broken record at this point, but I mean it sincerely: thank you all so much for making Tattered Weave such a joy to create. Our anniversary is coming up this weekend! We’ve still got so many exciting updates in store for you, so thank you again for believing in the site and helping us make it the best it can be.

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