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Home » News » Premium Update Tutorial Tutorial

Premium Update

Written by Admin  Posted on September 02, 2018
Hello everyone! For our premium update today, I have some very exciting news to announce: it's the ramp-up for a feature you've all been waiting for, the Custom Submission feature!

Now, this feature is very much in its beta stage, and some changes may occur as we work out the kinks and answer questions, so please be patient with us. You can find the first draft of the Rules and Tutorial linked here, but I'll give you a quick run down on the shorthand rules to give you an idea of what to expect.

1. All Clothing submissions must be able to work for all 4 Poses. That means for some items you will need to make small adjustments so that they fit on each of the 4 Poses. We want everyone to be able to enjoy the items added to the site so this is a big must!
2. Final exported versions of the 4 Clothing images must be 200x250 pixels in size, while thumbnails must be 100x100 pixels. All images must be transparent .png images.
3. All submitted content must adhere to the site's PG-13 rating and stay within our good-taste rulings. We expect everyone to ALWAYS follow all site rules here when it comes to harassment and obscenity. Let's keep this fun for everyone!
4. You will have two options when it comes to your submission: a private version which only you get, or a public submission (the default) that will be for sale in stores for all users to enjoy!
5. If your submission is rejected for any reason, that's okay! Your gems are not wasted! You will get the submission item back and be able to make the required changes or you can simply sell or trade the item off to another user.

If anyone has questions about how to make your own custom Clothing, we have a full-length tutorial over on the the Tattered Weave YouTube account that will walk you through the process step by step! And we are always happy to answer any questions or concerns, and make changes as issues arise.

We still have to finish getting the store front all set up for the accepted submissions and hire a shop manager to look after all the beautiful creations you users come up with! (Interviewing is a lot more painful of a process than I thought it'd be - turns out Club has gotten super territorial about that upload pile.) But that also gives not just us time to get the hard-hat zone fixed up into a proper store, but for all of you to submit your creations! We will be accepting submissions later this week and will start reviewing them as they come in. We can't wait to see what you all choose to create!

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