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Papercraft Castwick by druidgender won the Craft Spotlight! Castwicks sure are pretty, but when they're made of paper its good to keep a cup of water on hand.
Home » News » Prism Party 2018 Tutorial Tutorial

Prism Party 2018

Written by Admin  Posted on August 10, 2018
Hey everyone, I hope you're ready for the biggest, bestiest birthday on the site!! ... No, it's not October yet. BUT IT IS AUGUST!!

I'm just gonna steal a moment to brag about how aaaaAAAAMMMMMMAAAAZZZZiiiinnng Diana is. So much of what's built around us today in this great community came from her sweat and blood, which might have been fueled from our tears and feels but... that's not important. What's important is what our avatars and kith look like today, and I hope you're thinking rainbows. Because I'm thinking rainbows.

Particularly, while I was getting my amazing new Prism High Tips Hairstyle done by [@Kei] at the salon, we got into a long discussion about how Diana is constantly sharing all her magical rainbows from within to everyone else, and how we're all kind of just water, carbon, ammonia, lime... Obviously the simple solution is to ingest as many rainbows as we can today. With the help of Kei "King of Cookies" himself, I worked really hard to bring you some new versions of some old favorites just for this celebration! Let me introduce to you not one, but four colorful rainbow cookies!

First, some Rainbow Chip Cookies, since how could we not have a chocolate infused treat for Diana? If she wasn’t already a vampire of tears, she might be a vampire of chocolate. And then since there’s always a trusty Right-Hand Bun by her side, we of course needed some Rainbow Raisin Cookies to keep her fed. Too easy for those who’ve been sneaking off to other Remnants to learn them newfangled cooking techniques? You can struggle for hours to perfect your hand at making some Rainbow Spice Cookies. That’s right, you heard correctly, if there isn't struggling going on, your cookies aren't good enough.
Ooooor if you’re lazy like me, you can watch Kei struggle to make them all instead, and just eat slices of the Prism Sugar Cookies batter while you try to think of…

… A GIFT!! I FORGOT TO GET HER A GIFT!! OH NO, I don’t have time to show you all these, I need to get Diana a gift to show her how much I care for her and appreciate everything she’s encouraged me to build out of my life. I wouldn’t even be half the professional I am today without her help, and I forgot a gift! If only I had something else to give her than piles of cookies... Maybe I can find something in her notes.

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