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Home » News » New Premium Items: Thespian Skin Tones Tutorial Tutorial

New Premium Items: Thespian Skin Tones

Written by Admin  Posted on April 02, 2018
Happy April everyone!

I'm glad to see you've all been so well behaved through the first! Not an ounce of mischief in sight! I've been very busy over at the Shadow Stage but I'm glad I can leave Hope running smoothly, safe in the knowledge that you all can be trusted not to try any pranks!

Since it's a new month, you all know what that means! New premium items are here, and today's your last chance to get the limited-time items that will be rotating out tomorrow! So if you've been waffling on picking up a Merfolk Tentacle Badge Bundle, Merkfolk Tail Badge Bundle, or CR Scrying Spell Badge Bundle, you'd better make up your mind soon because who knows when they will be back in stock!

This month I am very proud to announce a item set dear to my heart. And skin. As a new permanent addition to the Headmaster's Office, you'll be able to pick up the Thespian Skin Tone Badge Bundle or the Pick A Part: Thespian Skin Tone Badge. These offer 30 new skin tone options you can apply as body art to help blend in at the Shadow Stage all the more. One skin tone will cost you 150 Gems in the Pick A Part but if you plan on collecting the whole set I've hacked fifteen hundred Gems off the bundle for a meager 3000 Gem total cost for the bundle.

And since no Thespiansona is complete without a few accessories, I am also very proud (and exhausted) to announce that the Shadow Stage has 3 new devoted Hourly Quests for you all to earn a starring role! The Hero, The Dollmaker, and The Witch each have a new quest available for those Devoted to them to can earn some proper Thespian apparel.

As you can see, there's a whole lot here and I'm excited to see what everyone does with these new items! We can always use some more helping hands here over at the Stage; Scribe is a real sti-

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