Code Update: 11/27/17
Posted on November 27, 2017For one thing, the Name field when creating a new Marketplace lot will now autofill with the name of the item, if you are selling only one item, or with the word "Bundle" if you are selling numerous items. Since the Search bar searches through the name of the items in a bundle, buyers will be able to find your items that way. Naming your lot is still likely to help a buyer pick your lot - particularly newbies who don't know what they're looking for exactly! - but this should help speed up sales for those of you who don't want to bother with naming every lot!
Speeding up Marketplace and Trade creation was our focus for this update, and so we have added two more Group options to the Inventory page: Create New Marketplace Lot and Trade These Items. This means you can automatically fill a Trade offer or a Marketplace lot with items you've selected from your Inventory page! No need to flip over to the Marketplace or Trade and manually add them one by one!
To make this new feature even easier, the Inventory page now remembers checkbox states between searches, and will list the items you have selected above the Inventory area. Please note that this may not work as intended if you have multiple Inventory tabs open! Also, as is always the case with checkboxes on the Inventory page, you will select every duplicate you have of the same item, so if you only want to sell/trade a limited quantity, make sure to change that quantity in the Marketplace lot or Trade before you confirm.
We hope these changes bring an even smoother user exchange for everyone! Thank you all again for helping to make Tattered Weave the best it can be!