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New Items: Forest Fittings Patterns

Written by Admin  Posted on June 28, 2017
Attention, please! It has come time that the Princess wishes to choose for our land a future regent. Over the last seven days, many noble offers have been received and judged fairly based upon the qualities that would best suit our future ruler - yes, judged by the Princess’ selected advisors. Yes, even Dizzy.

Our opinions have been submitted for her review, to be considered alongside her own personal intuition. Those of you from Hope, who do not know our customs well yet, please recognize your duty at this crucial time of alliance and kinship. Your feelings for the Princess have been made clear, and now, at the time of her choice, you must respect whatever choice she makes, be that for yourself or another. Is that understood?

…Thank you for your understanding. Please take your grace by means of bow, curtsy, or otherwise, for her Highness, Princess Celariel of the Enchanted Forest, Heir to the Pact of Merlin, Regent by royal decree of the Heart of the Forest.

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