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May Event Winners!

Written by Admin  Posted on May 27, 2017


...Okay, okay, you caught me. I, um. I don't actually have any way of showing off your high scores yet. In faaact, there's this teeny tiny little itty bitty problem with the high score board on my computer, which is that... I can see who won which score, but not... the score.

Wellsoanywaynevermindthatleeet's get to the PRIZES!!!

Our grand prize winner is Hintswen!! Hintswen received the MOST high scores overall, as well as the most Hoof It high scores! For that, I wanna offer you an extra-special reward: not only do you get to design a toy, but I'll make a Deluxe version of your toy too!*

Our other winners (i-including the ties that can't be broken since I don't have any actual scores written down) will all be able to design a toy too!*

Kiena won the most high scores on Paper Airplane.
Jasmine & Dreadnoughtus tied for the high scores on Memory.
Hintswen, as you already know, won the most high scores on Hoof It.
hophope & Cherell won the most high scores on Stumped.
Mafic won the most high scores on This Little Piggy.

Wowee! Now, see, isn't that soooo generous of me and not at all defensive to give you guys EIGHT new toys to design? I'm super duper excited to hear what you come up with!

*All winners should send a Message to Diana before June 30 with their toy designs, and expect to see them in my Arcade by July 30.

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who participated in my first big event!! I totally have to do this again sometime!

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