Site Contest: June 2017
Posted on May 27, 2017Miss Moss by LilNeps won the Avatar contest!
Blepcake Breakfast by Science won the Craft contest!
Flipperfin of the deep by Dreadnoughtus won the Art contest!
Too Many Items by Himochi won the Gallery contest!
For earning the most Cheers on your entries, you'll receive the exclusive In the Spotlight Achievement and a Spotlight T-Shirt. As a special additional reward, winners from now on will also receive a Spotlight Showcase toy for their Kith. This toy can be used multiple times on the same Kith, and it gives them a whopping 10 points to each ability for each time it's used. Wow!
We have also updated the Showcase art to remove the glass case from the logged out home page. Now everyone's winning entries will only show their avatar and Kith, with a link to the entry itself for better viewing.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated! Entries that did not win have been moved to the Showcase Forum for safekeeping. (Remember that you can always re-enter the same entry again later if you didn't win this time!)
This month's contests include an Avatar, Kith, Game, and Writing contest! Check out the rules here and show your skills!