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Home » News » Bug Fix: 6/17/16 Tutorial Tutorial

Bug Fix: 6/17/16

Written by Admin  Posted on June 17, 2016
Help is here!

Good news! Help buttons have been added to all major pages on the site! Clicking these should provide a pop-up with some general information about the feature. Please let me know if these buttons have any problems for you on various browsers/mobile/etc.

Static pages at the bottom of the footer have also been added! Please review our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Rules and Guidelines. Any suggestions for additional content or questions are welcome!

Remember to please report any problems to the Technical Support Forum. Your browser version is very helpful information if we have to troubleshoot a problem. I'd also like to ask, as a favor, if you could try to replicate a problem so that I know whether it was a strange one-time little bug or whether it is reoccurring for multiple users; this also helps me to sleuth my way to the source of the problem. The more details, the better!

Thank you all again for your help and patience as we work together on making Tattered Weave the best it can be!

List of bug fixes today:

Fixed bug that caused the ‘x’ close button on the Inventory pop-up window to click confirm instead. Mobile users rejoice, your items shouldn’t go disappearing on you now! XD; (Thanks holier!)

Fixed bug that crashed the page when a logged out user accessed the Kith Catalog page. (Thanks czar!)

Fixed bug that crashed the page when a logged out user tried to access the Trades page.

Changed purchase cooldown timer text from “less than x seconds” to simply “1 minute” for clarification.


“unread” icon on the forums is not visually distinct from “read” icon - status: designing update

multiple users - the ampersand, greater than, and less than symbols aren’t working on Forums - status: problem unknown Fixed!

superbearwars - Airplane sometimes has missing trees - status: problem known, working on solution https://tatteredworld.com/forum_subcategories/13/forum_topics/85

multiple users - Airplane “game over” sound is too loud - status: working on solution

multiple users - Airplane game sometimes slows down and has glitchy trees - status: problem unknown

gwennafran - no “quit” button on fullscreen games to return to browser - status: designing update

kiweet - unable to receive game rewards - status: problem unknown https://tatteredworld.com/forum_subcategories/13/forum_topics/151?page=1

superbearwars and gwennafran - shop auto-restock timer issues - status: problem unknown https://tatteredworld.com/forum_subcategories/13/forum_topics/155

arkonsel - error message when using Student Newsletter even though item works fine - status: problem unknown

winter - Forum subcategories do not update the “unread” icon in their parent category

dahlskyline - subscribe buttons on Forums are not working

eventual goal - making the Quest Log page more clear for everyone to understand.


Usernames are all forced into lowercase. That will be changed during the closed beta, so you will be able to edit your username later if you want uppercase letters!

Hoof It is temporarily down for changes. We are making the dances quicker and more fun to play!

Quests are temporarily disabled, except for Piper's hourly quests (which are not tracked under "Completed Quests") and "The Whole Kith And Caboodle" quest from Iris. I aim to add new hourly quests every day until all characters have quests available, but bug-catching will be prioritized over this.

Site does not always scale correctly in Firefox.

1 minute cooldown between Forum posts is off.

Kith profile widgets (Diet, Toybox, and Knowledge) are not paginating.

Static pages (FAQ, Contact, etc.) are empty. Help tabs on pages are empty. We’re still writing those up! Fixed!

Premium purchases will not be available during closed beta.

The security questions dropdown has repeat questions, whoops. We've disabled the security questions on the unlock request for the time being, so you should be able to unlock your account without them.

Item names may sometimes stretch the images in your inventory, in shops, etc.


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