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Bug-Catching Time!

Written by Admin  Posted on June 15, 2016
Are you ready to catch some bugs?

Welcome to the closed beta test, everyone! As you know, this is a test, so there may be some bugs hopping around behind the scenes. We've worked very hard to squash the worst of them - just this morning I've finished over 20 bug tickets - but a few of the more elusive ones may have slipped through the cracks. If you find any, please report them on the Technical Support Forum!

We're also very excited to get your feedback and suggestions for improvement. Please visit the Suggestion Forum to make a suggestion, or to show support for other suggestions that you'd like to see!

Below is a list of known bugs and additional features that we're planning to release during this closed beta test.


Usernames are all forced into lowercase. That will be changed during the closed beta, so you will be able to edit your username later if you want uppercase letters!

Hoof It is temporarily down for changes. We are making the dances quicker and more fun to play!

Mobile versions of the games are not granting rewards (Shards and Attributes and Personality). We're still investigating why this is happening. Fixed 6/15/16.

Quests are temporarily disabled, except for Piper's hourly quests (which are not tracked under "Completed Quests") and "The Whole Kith And Caboodle" quest from Iris. I aim to add new hourly quests every day until all characters have quests available, but bug-catching will be prioritized over this.

Site does not always scale correctly in Firefox.

1 minute cooldown between Forum posts is off.

Kith profile widgets (Diet, Toybox, and Knowledge) are not paginating.

Static pages (FAQ, Contact, etc.) are empty. Help tabs on pages are empty. We’re still writing those up!

Premium purchases will not be available during closed beta.

The security questions dropdown has repeat questions, whoops. We've disabled the security questions on the unlock request for the time being, so you should be able to unlock your account without them.

Item names may sometimes stretch the images in your inventory, in shops, etc.


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