New Items: Wedding Apparel!
Posted on December 09, 2016I believe this calls for a celebration! Break out your nice clothes, everyone, and get ready for the most special of all outfits! Andre worked so hard to put all the love and care into the Wedding Set that each piece deserves. I even managed to get him in the same room as Kei to coordinate the Two Tone Eyeshadow, tee hee~ The Silk Tuxedo and Tux Pants make a great pair, whether you match the colors or not. Add a Silk Handkerchief to your pocket for extra classy flair! The Veil makes a beautiful accessory to any outfit, especially with certain hairstyles and bangs. And of course, you can’t forget the sparkling Wedding Dress, crafted with Andre’s gorgeous beadwork to make it sparkle in the spotlight.
You can find the Wedding Badge Bundle and the Pick A Part: Wedding Badge for sale in the Headmaster’s Office anytime! Savvy shoppers can preview the set over here.
What’s that? Who’s getting married? Don’t sweat the details! I’m sure the right match will happen in due time~