New Kith: Yellitter!
Posted on March 06, 2025But if there's one thing I know about the Doc, it's that she's always good for a meal! Ain't the friendliest of faces, sure, but if the stomach's the way to the heart, she's gotta have a vein of gold buried under that scowl!
If this fails... *shudder*... Naw, I ain't going back in storage, no matter how things shake out. I'll just have to ship myself off to one of them other Remnants with awful fashion sense and not enough tasty rocks... Maybe those fairy folks would let me stay my proper size and I can be like... a ride attraction. That could be fun?
Nnng... No! Don't start defeating yourself before y'can shoot your shot, V4R-M1T! You deserve better than that! You can DO this!
Phew. Aight. Just gotta play it cool... be real calm, down to earth, refined... like a right gentleman. Aw, dang it, I shoulda asked Scraps to give me one last polish before I came here -
DANG IT! Stop stalling! Keep the screaming internal and GET IN THERE ALREADY!
All casual-like, push through them swinging Saloon doors, and...
Ahem... Howdy, Doc. Got a spare moment to chat?